Tuesday 10 March 2015

TWO done, THREE to come

Interesting numbers on The 5th Annual Open!!

Two done, three to come.

If this is your first Open, you've got your feet wet with two WODs. You have now experienced having a Judge count your reps, maybe even heard the dreaded NO REP? You've watched the WOD announcement on Thursday followed by those AMAZING athletes going head to head. Plus you have gone to bed dissecting your first attempt and how you are going to attack it the 2nd time to get more reps. Right? I'm pretty sure I'm right!

If you're one of the returning Synergy athletes you get to compare your scores to last year. In the case of this year, 15.2 was the repeat WOD. We have come to expect each year ONE workout to be a repeat from the previous year. This is one example of Crossfit being measurable. And it's very cool. Ask some of the Synergy athletes who got their first C2B and then multiples that they didn't have last year!! So proud to hear about all your PRs at our great gym!!

Sifting through my 15.1 and 15.2

If you have followed my posts you know the chink in my armour; gymnastics, shoulder mobility and the Olympic lifts. Gee, Laurie, that's not a chink in the armour. That leaves you pretty much naked when it comes to Crossfit!, said the smart-ass blogger. So, how did we handle this large chink so far?

15.1 ~ T2B, snatches and dead lifts,  and 15.1A ~ max C&J.

The chatter in my head at the announcement:

Well I just hit a PR on my C&J. Can I do it when I'm tired? T2B. I'm way better at them than the last time I competed, but how good am I at them? Games good? At least they are in a triplet where I don't have to be back on the bar so quickly. The dead lift is light...that's where I rest in this WOD. 

Chatter chatter chatter right up until it's time to do it. I'm thankful for great programming that keeps us "doing" what we do best at Synergy right through the Open. These days it seems to involve prowlers...often.

When 15.1 and 15.1A are played and laid to rest, it's good. T2Bs went better than in the past. I C&J'ed more than I have in past competitions and didn't land too far down in the standings with a WOD that exposed my weaknesses. ONWARD!! AND I had a great looking Judge for 15.1...way better looking than this guy who's always doing these silly memes.

Who is this guy doing all the cheesy Crossfit memes?

SEE? WAY handsome! I think he no-repped me once though on T2Bs. 

15.2 ~ Never saw it coming. The repeat WOD from 2014. I heard about it at the gym since I was coaching and didn't get to watch the announcement. AND since I didn't do the Open last year, I didn't know what everyone was talking about. I did however hear very clearly that there were C2B pull-ups.  Chatter chatter chatter:

Humph. I can at least do proper C2Bs now...not many but way better than one year ago. This might go OK. (Then I find out it's a couplet with light OHS). This might not go OK. I'll be back to the bar so soon...and 3 minutes to complete 24 C2B PLUS the 24 OHS. Humph. This might not go OK. 

So we roll into 15.2 on Friday. 2 C2B short of getting into the 14's. Easy to make up 2 C2B I was told. I thought it was doable too. Round two of 15.2 was the FIRST re-take of any Open WOD where I did not score higher than my first attempt. I got the same score 2nd time through; 2 C2B short of the extra 3 minutes and easy extra reps. I decided to seriously think about doing it a 3rd time. This would be a first for me as well in the Open, taking 3 attempts at a better score.

Making the decision to do 15.2 a third time through needed to be made with someone I trust, Coach Benko. Hind site is 40/40 and now looking back,  I know I had already made peace with 15.2 not needing to do it again. What nagged me was feeling I made some mistakes by using equipment that I didn't normally use and would not be allowed in a Games workout. Did I believe I did the best I could with the skill set I had at this moment in my training? Or was my ego trumping a truth and wanting to be better than I was at that moment, in that workout?


I made huge gains in my C2B pull-ups in this past training period. BUT...I have to accept the gains that I made will have an equal and matching result. My goal is not to be "good for my age". It's to be a competitve Game's athlete. I know what that means and I accept C2B pull-ups need more work to be Games' worthy. Coach Benko said it well. This is what I heard him say regardless of what he thinks he said.  :) 

"What does the leader board mean, really? If you do your best, YOUR BEST, your 110%, you will land where you land in the standings. And at the end of it all, you will be ranked. So don't do a workout with the score in mind. Plan to do the workout with YOUR BEST plan in mind and give it 110%. Laurie, did you do that? And if you did, do you need to do this again?"

15.2 laid to rest. A workout to expose my weaknesses...and that is a blessing. For I can only experience being my best in relation to my weakest.  There are no failures, only learning opportunities. What did I learn? I know myself well. Trust what I already know. I have lots to learn in terms of refining my honed skills and closing my weaknesses and how my skills will serve me best in any given workout. I love that about Crossfit. The opportunity to be the BEST version of me can't be ignored. 

"Your responsibility is to be the Greatest Version of the Grandest Vision 
you ever had about yourself. In this, you have total responsibility. " 
~ Neale Donald Walsch ~ Conversations with God

And always, always....consider the lilies.

24 Look at the ravens. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for God feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than any birds! 25 Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? 26 And if worry can’t accomplish a little thing like that, what’s the use of worrying over bigger things?
27 “Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. 28 And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?

Luke 12:24-28New Living Translation (NLT)

Two done, three battles to win!!

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