Sunday 19 April 2015

The road to the Games...who has the map??

Yes, who has the map and what gear are we in? 

Ya OK. That video doesn't have anything to do with my question but it's an awesome way to open this blog post. The Avengers, a little reckless, smart, committed to their craft, and they don't, by any stretch, conform to the masses. All great Crossfit qualities. 

I recently watched the latest Transformer movie and kinda would like to change my gym name to Optimus Prime. He's older. He's wise, skilled and ... well he saves the world. I know, I know, slightly pretentious but one has to think big or go home. I'm pretty sure Coach Benko would choose The Hulk for my new gym name. That, in it's own way, would be a compliment. 

Road map and cruising gear? I got it. I know exactly where we are and what gear is doing the job. 

The Open was our first major pit stop to the Stub Hub Centre. It was our first chance to check how the engine was working, what kind of gas mileage we were getting and find out if this body was going to make the entire journey.  

Right off the hop 15.1 and 2 ran me through the gauntlet. It was a reality check on my weaknesses, those being any movements where I hang from the bar. I managed a little better in 15.1 with a triplet meaning I had some time before going back to the bar. 15.2 as a couplet however pushed me back for C2B pull-ups way too soon for my liking. That workout gave clear directions on getting to my destination so it was very useful...after I had my sissy fit and Coach Benko set me straight with a look and advice like this:

Laurie, you better tell me you gave it all you had...because we're here to save the world, not top the Leaderboard. 

After 15.2 I shifted into some better gears. I claim a personal victory with 14 MU's in 15.3. Hand stand push-ups proved a good test of push power. And 15.5 allowed my engine to be tested to the max. It performed well. 

So where are we right now? Going back over the plan to this point, my job was to improve every movement where I hang from the bar. The Open certainly tested this and although I didn't save the world or score where I wanted on the Leaderboard, I can celebrate huge gains in those movements due to training up to this point. I was able to hang onto multiple T2B's for most of 15.1 and doing pronated C2Bs? Well I wasn't sure I would ever achieve those.'s the best news. To have a decided heart and seek wisdom are two lessons from a great book. I chose both at the end of The Open. I accepted I had to go back to the beginning to improve my pull-ups. That possibly meant no more work on butterfly pull-ups. BUT...changing direction doesn't mean changing destination. After my heart became decisive about my plan I went to the source of Crossfit and gymnastic wisdom. 

Well Coach Benko and Coach Tron, I hope you ate ALL the candies and ALL the burger
because we're here to save the world, not be lean!!

Still, these are the minds I trust to draw out the best route to efficient pull-ups. Coach Benko put together the plan that I execute everyday. Coach Tron has spent time and thinking power to find 50 shades of Crossfit language to say the same thing about my bent arm pull-ups so that I get it. "Stop bending your arms!!" just didn't register for me. So now it's back to bands and single pull-up drills with bent arm ONLY at the right time. It has been a fascinating process. How long would you invest time and energy without seeing results / payback / reward? Even maybe feeling like you have regressed?? I'll tell you how long.

The payoff comes AFTER the time, intent, focus, energy is invested. And it's kinda like one day it just happens. My hands would hurt so much from being on that pull-up bar that I wondered if they would ever heal. And then one day I noticed they were better and NOT getting beat up as much from the volume. Granted, I have been paying close attention to their care and being diligent with it. Now isn't that odd! Give attention to something and results are produced. :) I can feel bent VS straight arms on my pull-ups now. I don't drop to single pull-ups in any workout...thus far. (BUT...haven't done Fran since my pull-up plan has been in effect) I am able to say in the middle of a workout before jumping on the bar, "I'm tired, yes, but let's think about this." That's kinda Optimus Prime-like. I continue to see how consistency, intent, purpose and small incremental steps are so subtle and so powerful.

I have to mention Michelle Dmytrowich at this moment. She leaped over a huge hurdle this past week. Michelle did Jackie Rx'ed with all un-banded pull-ups. WHOOP WHOOP!!! She questioned having the band there just in case. She made a choice not to and stuck to it. I know how great the experience was for Michelle to do all those pull-ups un-banded. After being crushed by deficit HSPUs in a past competition, I committed to using a deficit every time they were programmed. I have stuck to it but every time I ask, "Gee can I maintain the deficit for this workout?" I quickly say "YES" and move on. AND each time I complete the WOD with the deficit I learn more about my capacity only because I make the decision and act on it.  I know Michelle will now Rx more and more workouts because that person at the end of the workout is who she wants to spend more time with. Cheers to that person at the finish line, Michelle!! One of the best quotes I've heard lately:

"The nerves at the start never go away. 
I love myself at the finish line. 
That's the person I want to spend more time with. That's why I keep going back to the start line." 
- Rebecca Rusch, Endurance athlete.

I feel confident about heading into the Master's Qualifier on April 23rd. I have a great team of coaches who will be sure the weekend is well mapped. Randy Hills and I need to show up and give it all we have to save the world. I know there will be a Synergy Strength family working along side of us. And maybe some bananas and Nutella?? That is the making of a GREAT ROAD TRIP!!

Trust me and don't be afraid. 
Many things feel out of control. 
Your routines are not running smoothly.
You tend to feel more secure when your life if predictable.
Let me lead you to the rock that is higher than you and your circumstances. 
Take refuge in the shelter of my wings where you are absolutely secure. 

When you are shaken out of your routines, grip My hand tightly and
look for growth opportunities. 
Instead of bemoaning the loss of your comfort, accept the challenge of something new.
I lead you on from glory to glory, making you fit for MY kingdom. 
Say yes to the ways I work in your life.
Trust me and don't be afraid. 

~ Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
Isaiah 12:2
Psalm 61: 2-4
2 Corinthians 3:1-8

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