Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Trust - a five lettered word

Do you have someone you trust in any area of you life who you will follow first, get the details later?  Think about it.  Do you have a relationship with someone who leads you in the right direction? This doesn't mean there aren't "discussions / debates" about topics. Just that at the end of the day, you are a peace with the part of your life you share with that person.

It takes time to have this...and as great as the idea of "peace" sounds, likely the road here was not peaceful.  Have you heard this?

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
Our real character shines brightly when we are in our most challenging, difficult moments.  The people who I really trust in my life, those who continually replace peace with worry,  are those who have shown calm, confidence, knowledge, encouragement when mine was lost.  I'm only gonna post this once, so don't ask me to repeat know I'm talking to you, Coach Benko.  Yes, Chief Bottle Washer, Head Kahoona, soon-to-be Thor Theman, Co-owner of Synergy Strength and our programmer, Chad Benko, is a trusted friend and mentor.  

That thing he's lifting isn't really that heavy, the belt is for looks, and he really believes running sucks. Yet in spite of himself,  I trust him completely to map out my road to the Crossfit Games. Coach Benko's programming has taken me there twice in the past and he's gotta be smarter by now. 

The Games have become crazy competitive. Crossfit HQ's branding "Fittest on Earth" is getting it's money worth from it's athletes. The level of athletes competing gets better every year.  I believe that's because Crossfit coaches are getting better.  Programming is getting better and good programming allows those athletes who come with a good work ethic to excel in the sport. 

Ask your coach to explain the programming goals for the next 4 weeks or so at your gym. I don't recommend doing this with Coach Benko...just trust me...that's what this post is about, trust.  Your coach should be able to explain what the program's goals are...where you are headed on your fitness road.

I am grateful to have Coach Benko's programming.  My job is to show up rested, well nourished, and mentally prepared to work every WOD like I'm competing in the finals of the Games. It's kinda like the melding of braun & brain into a fine tuned Indy car. (Yes, I admit you are the smart one most of the time in this relationship. You can comment below that I am a pretty good version of braun.)  I also am grateful that Coach Benko surrounds himself with talented coaches that know how to keep us safe, make us better, are committed to our community and are badass good athletes. I love you all! 

My trust in myself to do the work necessary to get back to the Games is very high. I have this because God designed me to be His athlete, His warrior daughter.  My trust in Coach Benko's program and my team of coaches is equally high.  They have been gifted to do great work.  Going back in 2015 is the only option. 

"The king was overjoyed and gave orders to lift Daniel out of the den. And when Daniel was lifted from the den, no wound was found on him, because he had trusted in his God." - Daniel 6:23

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