Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Crossfit Games 2014

Mr. Roosevelt's "Man in the Arena" is very fitting to celebrate the 2014 Crossfit Games' warriors. What a celebration of human spirit!
A really smart Crossfit Coach said to a really smart business man, "Sure I'll look at your business but you have to look at mine too...Crossfit."
What this coach really meant is one cannot understand this sport until you are "in it". 

Why does one willingly put themselves into great physical pain, intense psychological trials, and for extended periods of time...5 days per week or more for many?

Read "Man in the Arena".  It's the answer to that question. It's hard to explain but once you've "entered" you will understand. 

4 time consecutive Crossft Games Champ, Rich Froning, said this, 

"You can be really good at something and look like an idiot doing another movement. (CrossFit's) a nasty thing, but it makes it a little more fun.”

So now we can look like an idiot too!  That would be me and box jumps...I'm just not "springy". AND me at pull-ups...remember my daughter's window analogy?  I'm just not "swingy". 

BUT none of it matters!!  WHY? 

Because I witnessed rising above negative head space in Rich Froning.  Because I witnessed consistent and calm from Camille Leblanc-Bazinet,  Michelle Letendre, Annie Thorisdottir, none of whom won many events, but demonstrated fittest in so many ways!

I watched Chris Spealler, Jason Khalipa compete for the last year as individuals...winners in ALL ways.  I witnessed rookies and young kids like Lauren Fisher, Cory Anderson, Noah Ohlsen perform beyond believable. 

I watched every Master's event. So great to see Amy Mandelbaum on the podium.  Susan Habbe back it!! And Mary Beth Litshelm performing SO steady and awesome!
Did I say, "Oh crap, handstand walks!" And "How would I have done at that??" YUP, for 30 seconds I thought those thoughts... and then answered "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena..."  I'm in the arena with a great team of coaches and team mates.  Let the dust, sweat & blood accumulate. Let me look like an idiot as I embrace & dote on my weaknesses "because there is no effort without error and shortcoming".  

Weighted pistols were on the whiteboard this week - 30 at 16kg for the gals. Thanks Matt B. for looking so strong at your 30 and saying, "Good" at my smaller sets until I knew my butt had it in me for a set of 10. AND of course calling me on a little or big swing back of the foot.  So smart my friend Matt, as he says right up close to me "How would Rich do them, how would Camille do them?"  What ya gonna do when you want back to the Games deep in your soul and you're asked that???  You're gonna tighten up your core and straighten that front let, that's what!!

Thanks to my friend Nicole who sent me an article. I took a clip from it. I crossfit because God gifted me with the love of being physical and it makes Him smile to see me "in the arena". Below is another reason I crossfit and I will wager that the athletes we watched this weekend feel the same. It's kinda an ode to Crossfit :)

"It means you can run, jump, swim, play, bend, walk and lift with all parts of your body from joints, muscles and bones to hands and feet, all body parts working in unison. It means that if you had to run 5K to get away from danger, (Chad Benko, this means running!!) if you had to swim for 20 minutes to save yourself in a flood (Just keep swimming, C-Unit), if you had to lift a heavy weight out of the way to free yourself, something or someone else, you could do it.
The new fitness trend is not about prostituting yourself but about doing the hard work measured in reps, sets and sweat to create a body, an entire organism engineered to sustain itself in this brave new world. It means you can help yourself -- not be dependent on someone else. It means you train differently, think intelligently, respect powerfully, sensing a new strength in yourself that comes not from the desire to have a cutie booty but a strong one that can move when it has to, along with the rest of the magnificent machine called YOU."
Let's close with a salute to Rich Froning and his spirit to faithfully abide in The Infinite One:
May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. - Galations 6:14

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