Sunday, 22 February 2015

Random fun

Some fun and random thoughts from me and about me before we head into The Open. I know this will be the final little push you need to register. 

Let's me honest. There will be ONE workout in The Open where some equivalent of this will happen. AND tell me...WHY would ANYONE want to miss the opportunity of experiencing it and surviving? 

This is the great thing about Crossfit. It really has something for everyone. No need to leave your fancy behind, John and Colin. Get registered. 

This kinda made me think of the day, Courtney, you discovered that standing in just the right spot while looking in just the right direction gave you a perfect view of the Synergy men's urinal. 

I'm hoping Coach Benko will have some Nutella to go with the Bananas and Burgers. I promise not to put my fingers in the jar. 

OH wow! For sure on this one. "Darn flatulence. Please don't smell." "Shit Coach Tron, my arms are NOT bent." "I love it when I'm ahead of Matt." "Please God, don't let me pee too much on these box jumps." 

That's a cute baby.

I know he's not cute like the baby but I love him.

Except pistols. One has to half-ass pistols.

We all know the answer. 

I am for sure going to use this when I coach. I think I'll wait until Carson shows up. 

hahahaha. See? Random is fun. 

Bet you'll never look at your nut butter in the same way.

Really, they just get in the way of so many movements. Personally I want a bigger butt and smaller breasts. I know that's going to improve my performance.

And we all do this. Run our hands over parts of our body? Right? Tyler Siwak, I know you kiss your biceps before going to sleep. 


How I felt after Round 3 of 6 today in the Strongman Workout. ....hard???  I remember breathing like that one other time...the first time I was introduced to D-ball slams.

Random picture of the most beautiful Crossfit athlete. 

The squat and back I want.

Coach Chad, can you get these in the pro shop? I'll take two.

I love the fact that at our gym, Synergy, we DO care what your time was. We are all so darn competitive that none of us want to be left behind. We put in the work to see results. Results in ALL and ANY areas. AND we keep that fire burning for our gym mates 'cause we know without them, we don't win either.  

BUT none of us are going to die in The Open. John, Steve, Colin, Quinton, Laura...and all of Synergy, get registered.

Anyone who does The Open starts to looks like this, can suddenly do this and...what more do I need to say?

And this is it!! Synergy athletes don't give up and we don't get beat except by thoughts of shortcomings that don't exist except in our head. 

Monday, 2 February 2015

How excited are we??

NO...we're not talking about sex OR running.
We are talking about......

THE OPEN...whoop whoop!!

I remember my first OPEN...2011. There was this buzz in the gym about 5 weeks of workouts NOT programmed by Coach Chad. Who else could program a good workout but Coach Chad? That's how naive I was. AND then over the next few weeks we were practising all these movements at crazy weights. It made me wonder if Coach Chad really knew what he was doing 'cause he didn't have us doing any of this!! And we had to do how many reps at that weight?

But I showed up anyway. Coach Chad told me I had to. In that first Open I think the only movement I didn't succeed at was a muscle up. I NEVER got my chest close to the bar until this Open. NEVER did that many OHS before this. NEVER did box jumps that fast (fast for me). There were some very cool firsts for me in that first OPEN. Oh yes...and I qualified for the Crossfit Games too in this year. It was Matt Bathgate who told me I qualified. When I asked him what the Crossfit Games were about he told me that too. I didn't know Matt all that well at this time except that when he looked at me with his squinty eyes, I always stepped it up.

And so I took a trip to Carson, CA in July 2011, to the Home Depot Centre with my biggest fan, my daughter Justine, Coach Chad and our crazy, wonderful team of coaches. We won a 2nd place finish that year.  
Tron thought I'd be REALLY heavy with that Silver Medal

2012 rolls around. I'm ready this time for these crazy workouts. it wrong again. Wrong in the sense that I had it all figured out, that nothing would surprise me. Well, I was surprised. I was surprised at how much I learnt again about myself. I got the MU's this year and a ticket back to the Crossfit Games. I learnt more about how I reacted to pressure, how I under-performed when I didn't manage it, how passion can over-fuel intensity, throw off physical - psychological balance which too causes performance below ability. Does it sound like life? Every year I got better at life because I chose to show up for the Open. Sound cheesy? You're going to have test it out. 

The 2012 Open meant another trip to The Home Depot Centre. It's an opportunity I am forever grateful for. This 2nd trip was a bit of an up hill journey for me as a few areas of my life were below the standards I held for myself. It was the start of a growth period for me. I'll say it again. Because I participated in the Open, my life path took a particular direction. I finished 6th at the Games in this year. Not what I saw in my mind but exactly where I was supposed to be. 

Then came 2013 and 2014, two years of balancing relationship, health and faith. I completely let circumstance into the driver's seat. Let's just sum up those two years with this and get on:

And ta-daaaa!! 2015 and it's time to sign up for the OPEN...again...OR for the first time. This next part is important. Everyone of my experiences in Crossfit have been with my community of team mates. And my experiences are not my own. A first for me meant someone witnessed it and got the courage to push outside their own comfort zone. AND I've been witness to so many awesome PR's and firsts in Open workouts that when my turn comes, I'm going out to be part of that. NONE of us achieve anything without each other. 

What's this all mean? I'm registered for THE 2015 OPEN. Do not let me be on the battle field alone. I won't make it nearly as far as with my mates. Come find out what it's really about...the sidelines are not the place to experience it. I need you ... and you need me. I need a top 20 finish in this Open to head back to the Games. And you have my permission to kick my soon as you're registered. 

Can't give this guy enough air time.