Aaron also says he is running to success one failure at a time as fast as he can.
ETG. Embrace the Grind. Daniel Cormier's motto.
Embrace each failure because it's meant to be on the road to your success. I'm happy to say after failing at chest-to-bar pull-ups for ...umm... all my cross fit years. Today I did 7. They were programmed in a WOD with back squats. Only one round. I stepped up to the bar and knew I would get one but was determined to string some together on this day. I hit the bar so hard on the first one the Rogue rig shook and I continued on very surprised at how easy 4 came together. I jumped off. What just happened and why does my sternum hurt so much? I jumped back up and easily got another 3. Hmph! I gave a little yelp and scared the lifters on the platform in front of me. God is good.
"You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures." - James 4
I've been asking lately in a different way and I am very thankful to give praise where praise is due.
So thank you Lord for Bar MU's. Yes they are banded but I'm patient. (not really but I'm learning) The bands are being removed one at a time.
Let's talk fuelling and it's challenges...'cause there are challenges. This is an area where I have tripped and stumbled, got back up to do it all again.
This has been a long journey for me and I continue to walk it. This is one of those roads that never ends. We have to look at food as fuel that makes our engine perform. One wouldn't put a Coke in the Porsche, would one? Well I'm here to say I've put poor fuel choices in my Porsche and paid the price. I've read some articles about "carb addiction" being a myth. I believe it's different for each of us. Why? Because what I lived was an addiction. It was ugly and really tough on every dimension of me - psychological, physical, spiritual, emotional and relational. My body has a strong physiological reaction to carbohydrates. I would eat a loaf of bread in one evening, edge a cake until 2/3 of it was gone but I didn't have a piece. I was a macronutrient mess! AND today I still work at getting it right. I've learned the importance of ALL macronutrients being in balance to negate cravings, hunger and improve performance. Protein, carbs, fats & fiber....get it right and you feel amazing AND you will perform VERY well - psychologically , physically, spiritually, emotionally and relationally. I've discovered the various macronutrients that suit my body. The ones that don't cause inflammation, gassy tummy, fatigue & trigger cravings. AND when you get it right, it's awesome...so get out there and find your macronutrient profile. It gets confusing for sure...but that's where you pay attention to YOUR body. Pay attention to performance, to pain, to fatigue, to mood, to sexual prowess (indeed!), to your happiness level.

This is serious...even the Good Book has something to say about tracking what you eat:
When you sit down to eat with a ruler,
observe carefully what is before you,
2 and put a knife to your throat
if you are given to appetite. - Psalm 23:2
observe carefully what is before you,
2 and put a knife to your throat
if you are given to appetite. - Psalm 23:2
SO just DO IT!! Get into your macronutrients. Set an appointment with Dawn, Start eating to live, not living to eat!! You'll thank me.
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