Crossfit Skills Don't Just Happen: Make a Plan
GREAT read with some cool videos...and it inspired me to update myself and you on my progress plan. 'Cause it's 18 sleeps till we ALL register for the 2015 Crossfit Open. AND 59 sleeps until it starts!! WHOOP WHOOP, right Josh?
This quote from the article hit hard,
"There are certain movements that when we see them come up in a workout, we think, “Crap, I wish I had my [insert word here]!”
I have said that for YEARS about gymnastic movements. Actually, what I've really said to myself is, "I hope _____ don't show up." That's a sad day (there aren't many in Crossfit) when performing well is based on certain skills NOT showing up. BUT I'm thrilled to tell you and me that this is changing. AND I know for many of you, my Synergy team mates, you can say the same thing for your skills.
This is another great quote from the article,
"It’s the rare athlete who can walk into a CrossFit box, grab a rope, and by sheer osmosis start cranking out double unders in a few days."
This goes for any Crossfit Skill. That's where the plan comes in. Remember this...we CANNOT work on EVERYTHING. A focused plan on ONE skill will be most effective. If you have a knowledgeable coach programming the WOD's, you will still be developing a whack of skills by just showing up and following the schedule. YOU having a plan for ONE skill will hone that skill the fastest.
So what have I been up to:
Plan ONE: to figure out my macronutrients i.e.: eat enough carbs, less fat and protein.
This has been going well. Believe it or not, I under-ate over Christmas. Not enough of anything really. And that is as harmful as over-indulging for extended periods. It takes a day or two to get the muscles loaded ready to perform. When I'm in routine, it's dialled in well. Protein is 150 grams or more, fat is 75-ish grams on higher carb days, 100 grams on lower carb days, carbs are 200-ish on high days, 150-ish on low days. I've figured out timing of meals and types of carbs so I'm not dealing with that nasty flatulence. Ripe bananas, sweet potatoes, strawberries, make up 75% of my carbs with my gluten free breads and wraps filling in the rest. I have yet to test out oatmeal and see how that does for me.
I'm feeling great on this plan meaning, my workouts are feeling pretty great. We will see how my max lifts go at the Monster Lift Off. Strong cardio is good but strength is KING :)
AND this verse is the BEST:
"Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible but I will not be mastered by anything. Therefore, honour God with your body."
- 1 Corinthians 6:12
Plan TWO: butterfly pull-ups

NEW Plan: Toes 2 Bar
I liked the video in the article. Goal is to have sets of 8-10 by the Open.
All in all, I'm pleased with where I'm at. Lot's of distance to cover and it's best done with THE PLAN.
So get a plan and let's get ready for the OPEN!!